
Hey there, hon.

I believe in food. I believe in people. I believe in knowing the difference between right and wrong. As a chef, it's the only way you can survive.

I believe in whole milk and unsalted butter, the smell of tomato leaves, and the respect of animals raised for slaughter. I believe in equality for all. Everyone deserves great food and there's more than enough to go around.


I was born and raised by the Chesapeake Bay. I fell in love with farming in the Hudson Valley. I gained respect for large corporation work in Florida. I cultivated a romance with community in Colorado. My classical training comes from The Culinary Institute of America. My inner artist was inspired at SUNY Dutchess. I devote my free time to SkillsUSA attempting to close the skills gap in America and mentor youth.

My drive is to continuously improve the food industry through offering services to aid the business owner and employee. With fifteen years of restaurant and bar experience, I know what it takes to build, train and brand a project to bring guests to your door. Whether you’re brand new or looking for a reboot, I’m here for you.